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Is Your Office Space Hindering Great Productivity?

Productivity is the key to success in your business, but could your office layout be jeopardizing it? Factors ranging from the overall structure to the room's colors can significantly impact your team's efficiency.

As a business owner, you want to ensure your employees are performing at their best. However, if you're finding it challenging to maintain productivity throughout the day, it may be time to look closer at your workspace.


Lighting directly affects mood, concentration, and overall well-being and can either boost or hinder productivity, depending on the type present in the office. For example, natural light brightens a space and regulates circadian rhythms, improving alertness and reducing eye strain. Consequently, it's crucial to provide employees with ample natural light.

To achieve this, place desks near windows or install skylights. However, artificial lighting may be necessary for some instances. In dimly lit areas, opt for adjustable LED lights that mimic daylight. Choosing the right type and intensity of light is vital for maintaining a comfortable brightness level in the office.

Task lighting can help focus light where needed most. Yet, be mindful of color temperatures, as cooler tones foster concentration while warmer tones create a relaxing atmosphere.

Noise Levels

Research indicates that noise levels can hinder employees' ability to concentrate, think creatively and communicate effectively. In fact, 66% of workers reported being less productive due to nearby distractions and conversations.

To minimize noise levels, consider investing in sound-absorbing materials such as acoustic panels, carpets, and curtains. Providing employees with noise-canceling headphones will also help them maintain focus in noisy environments. Additionally, designating quiet zones can benefit those who struggle to concentrate at work.

Noise levels can escalate significantly, particularly in open-plan layouts. If your office features an open concept, consider using room dividers or sound partitions to reduce noise and enhance privacy. By being mindful of noise levels, you can create a focused work environment that accommodates diverse working styles.


Chairs and desks directly impact employee comfort and posture, which significantly affects your team's productivity. Ergonomic furniture, for instance, supports the body's natural curves, providing comfort throughout the day.

Prolonged discomfort can lead to long-term health issues like repetitive strain injuries and chronic back pain. Ergonomic office furniture, however, can alleviate such discomfort.

When selecting office furniture, prioritize adjustable chairs with lumbar support to cater to various body types and sitting preferences.

Consider adding standing desks, as they promote movement and offer an alternative to sitting for extended periods. Opt for desks with ample space, enabling employees to arrange their work tools comfortably and maintain an organized workspace.


Temperature is crucial for maintaining staff comfort and productivity. If it is too hot or cold, your office's temperature could be why your team's performance is decreasing. Warm environments can cause employees to feel lethargic, while cold temperatures may lead to discomfort and distraction.

The ideal office temperature often turns into a debate, but most experts agree that a range of 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit (20-24 degrees Celsius) is optimal for productivity. However, the best temperature may vary depending on the climate and season. To maintain a consistent temperature, consider investing in a programmable thermostat for automatic adjustments.

Ensuring your office has adequate ventilation, insulation and shading helps regulate temperature fluctuations. Keep in mind that individual preferences may differ, so providing accommodations like desk fans and space heaters is important. This way, you can maintain a comfortable workspace for everyone.

Workspace Organization

Cluttered environments can lead to distractions, stress and reduced efficiency, while a well-organized space promotes mental clarity and saves time spent searching for misplaced items.

If you notice workers feeling stressed or wasting time searching for things, encourage them to organize their workspace and maintain cleanliness. Provide storage solutions such as filing cabinets, desk organizers and shelves.

A "clean desk policy" also promotes tidying up by day's end, ensuring employees have a fresh start each morning.

Regular decluttering sessions help maintain organization and prevent the accumulation of unnecessary items. By fostering a culture of organization and cleanliness, you can enhance focus and productivity in the workplace.


Office color schemes are crucial, as they significantly affect mood, productivity and the overall atmosphere. Color psychology suggests that different hues can evoke various emotional responses and impact how people perceive spaces. Therefore, choosing the right color scheme is essential for fostering a positive work environment.

Cool tones like blues and greens promote calmness and concentration, making them ideal for focused workspaces. In contrast, warm hues like reds and oranges stimulate energy and creativity, which is suitable for collaboration and brainstorming.

With neutral tones in the office, enhance the overall atmosphere by introducing accent colors through furniture, artwork and decor. Keep in mind that the colors you choose should align with the desired emotional response. Consider the nature of the work performed to create a balanced environment.

Office Layout

Depending on the office layout, you can foster efficient workflows, easy communication and a welcoming atmosphere. However, a poorly designed structure can lead to increased distractions, reduced collaboration and lower productivity.

That's why it's important to be careful when selecting an office layout design. While open spaces are popular concepts, some people prefer closed areas to stay focused and maintain a distraction-free environment.

When designing an office layout, consider how your employees work and create a suitable environment for extroverted and introverted employees. Strive for a balance between collaborative spaces and individual work areas. Incorporate breakout zones for informal meetings or relaxation.

Improve Productivity Through Your Workspace

Creating a productive office involves implementing various factors, from lighting to reducing noise levels. Consider addressing these elements and personalizing a workspace that meets your team’s needs. Doing so will significantly motivate your employees to produce and perform better, contributing to your company’s overall success.

Guest Post by Eleanor Hecks

Eleanor Hecks is editor-in-chief at Designerly Magazine. She was the creative director at a digital marketing agency before becoming a full-time freelance designer. Eleanor lives in Philadelphia with her husband and pups, Bear and Lucy.

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