Wondering how to launch and scale your online business? In this Systeme.io review, you'll learn how to use Systeme.io to grow your online business for FREE and with ease. Systeme.io, which has kindly sponsored this video, is an all-in-one online business building platform that makes launching, growing, and scaling your online business easier and faster.
It's the only tool you need to launch your online business, since with Systeme.io you can build sales funnels, send automated emails, create and manage online courses, run affiliate programs, set up a website, and automate almost every aspect of your business all in the same place, all for free. So let's get right into this Systeme.io tutorial so that you can grow your online business fast.
To get started with Systeme.io to launch and scale your online business, head over to Systeme.io, enter your email address in the space provided, and then click on 'get started for free'. Systeme.io is in fact free forever, and no credit card is required.
A free Systeme.io plan provides you with 1000 contacts, unlimited emails, 3 sales funnels, 10 sales funnel steps, 1 blog, unlimited blog posts, 1 membership site, unlimited file storage space, unlimited membership site members, 1 automation rule, 1 workflow, 1 tag, 1 email campaign, 1 1-click upsell, 1 order bump, 1 A/B test, 1 coupon code, includes deadline funnels, Stripe integration, PayPal integration, and allows you to run your own affiliate program. In other words, even on Systeme.io's free plan you get everything you need to start out with your online business!
If you're looking to take things to the next nevel, and gain access to even more powerful Systeme.io features, you can choose from three other Systeme.io plans. The Startup plan costs just $27 per month, the Webinar plan costs $47 per month, and the Enterprise plan costs $97 per month.
You can even save 30% on those Systeme.io plans by opting for an annual plan rather than a monthly plan. Considering Systeme.io comes with all the tools you need to launch, grow and scale your online business, you're in fact saving at the very least $320 per month when you choose it to run your online business.
Let me now show you how to use Systeme.io to grow your online business. Once you've created and logged in to your Systeme.io account, you'll be redirected to your Systeme.io dashboard. This is where you can view how many new leads you've gotten, how many new sales you've made, as well as receive live updates.
To access any of the Systeme.io features, you can do so from the panel up top. I just set up this Systeme.io account to show you how easy it is for you to launch, grow, and scale your online business, even on their free plan.
Let's first click on 'contacts' from the panel up top, and then on 'contacts' again. This is where you'll be able to view all of your Systeme.io contacts, of which you can add up to 1000 of with their free plan.
To create a new contact in Systeme.io, click on 'create contact' up top. Enter their information, including email, first name, last name, city, phone number, country, company name, VAT number, street address, zip code, state / province, language, add a custom field if you so wish, select tags, and then click on 'save' at the bottom. I'll go ahead and fill out these fields with my contact information, and then click on 'save'.
Now let's click on 'funnels' from the panel up top. This is where you'll be able to view all of your Systeme.io funnels, of which you can create 3 of, with up to 10 sales funnel steps, with their free plan.
To create a new funnel in Systeme.io, click on 'create' up top. Name your funnel, select the funnel type you'd like to create, build an audience, to collect email addresses and build your email list, sell, to sell a product or a service, custom, to build a custom funnel from scratch, or run an evergreen webinar, to run evergreen webinars to automate your business, as well as the currency, and then click on 'create'.
I'll name my funnel 'new product', select 'sell' as the funnel type, select U.S. dollar as the currency, and then click on 'create'. All that's left to do is select one of Systeme.io's pre-made templates for your order form and thank you page.
Systeme.io makes it super easy for you to customize any of these templates by simply filling out your information in the spaces provided. You can also duplicate any funnel step, move any funnel step, delete any funnel step, or even create a new step. For each step in the funnel you create in Systeme.io, you can add automation rules, do an A/B test, and access stats, sales and deadline settings.
Now let's hover our mouse over 'emails' on the panel up top. Just so that you understand the difference between both types of emails, a newsletter is an email that's sent out manually to contacts, whereas a campaign is a sequence of emails that is sent out automatically to your contacts. With Systeme.io's free plan, you can send unlimited email newsletters, and have up to 1 email campaign.
Let's go ahead and click on 'newsletters'. This is where you'll be able to view all of your Systeme.io newsletters. To create a new newsletter in Systeme.io, click on 'create a newsletter' up top.
Type in the email newsletter subject, I'll write out 'just in', the sender name, I'll write out 'Marina Lotaif', sender email address, which, as you can see, is my email address, and select whether you wish to create an email newsletter in Systeme.io with the visual editor or classic editor. I'll go ahead and select 'visual editor' and then click on 'create'.
Similar to the sales funnels, Systeme.io makes it super easy for you to customize their email newsletters. If you hover your mouse over any existing section, you can drag and drop it to another location, click on the plus sign to insert new content, such as an image, text, button or horizontal line, access that section's settings, duplicate that section, or delete that section entirely.
If you click on 'settings' on the top, left-hand side, you can easily change the font size, background color, content background color, link color and content area width, as well as preview what your email newsletter will look like on desktop and on mobile. You can even change the layout of your email newsletter to just one section, two columns, three columns or four columns.
Once you're done editing your email newsletter in Systeme.io, click on 'save changes' on the top, right-hand side, and then click on 'exit'. Feel free to add an attachment to your email newsletter, and select which contacts should receive it. You can either save and send a test email, or save and schedule the newsletter.
You can also use Systeme.io to sell your products and services. If you hover your mouse over 'products/sales', you can create a new physical product, course, course bundle, and even create and manage your own affiliate program.
Even on Systeme.io's free plan, you get access to deadline funnels, the Stripe integration, PayPal integration and can run your own affiliate program, which helps you to make money online easily with Systeme.io. You also can create 1 1-click upsell, 1 order bump and 1 coupon code.
To set up a new course in Systeme.io, click on 'courses'. This is where you'll be able to view all of your Systeme.io courses. To create a new course, click on 'add a new course' up top.
Name your course, add a description, set the URL path, select the course domain, theme, and font, write out the instructor name, select a logo, add embedded HTML5/JS code, toggle whether you wish to show module titles for students or not, and select a sales page, and then click on 'save' up top.
For the purposes of this Systeme.io tutorial, I'll set the name as 'New Course', leave the URL path as is, select the classic theme, and AvertaPE font, and then click on 'save'. To bring your course to life, all that's left to do is add new modules, lectures and students, and you'll be good to go.
If you're watching this Systeme.io review and Systeme.io tutorial, and are wondering whether it's a Clickfunnels alternative, the answer is yes it is. Aurelian of Systeme.io actually created Systeme.io because, in his own words, he thought it was possible to offer the same (or an even better) tool for cheaper. And cheaper it is.
As mentioned, you can get access to all of Systeme.io's features for free forever. Even their paid plans are cheaper than their competitors. For instance, for only $27 per month you can manage up to 5000 contacts and enjoy unlimited email sending.
On the other hand, Clickfunnels doesn't offer a free plan, and its most affordable plan starts at $97 per month, with plans that range up to $2497 per month. So if you're searching for Clickfunnels alternatives, Systeme.io is exactly what you need.
If you want to try Systeme.io out to launch and scale your online business, just click on the link in the description box below to get started today for free. Thank you again to Systeme.io for sponsoring this video, and make sure you leave a comment below letting us know if you'll be giving Systeme.io a try.
If you liked this video, make sure you give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel so that you can navigate the tech side of online business with ease. As you wait for my next video to go live, check out these two videos I have right here, and I'll see you in my next video.
SYSTEME.IO REVIEW + SYSTEME.IO TUTORIAL: How To Use Systeme.io To Grow Your Online Business For FREE. Wondering how to launch and scale your online business? In this Systeme.io review, you'll learn how to use Systeme.io to grow your online business for free and with ease. Systeme.io, which has kindly sponsored this video, is the only tool you need to launch your online business, since it includes a sales funnel builder, email marketing platform, website builder, affiliate marketing program, business and marketing automation features, evergreen webinars, online course creation platform, blogging platform, and product marketplace all in the same place, all for free. So let's get right into this Systeme.io tutorial so that you can grow your online business fast and for free.
Grow your online business for FREE with Systeme.io: https://bit.ly/systemeioforfree
This video is sponsored by Systeme.io.
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â—‹ How To Create An eBook Cover Design In Canva: https://youtu.be/9BEXOYZ9p9U
â—‹ What Is Canva And How Does It Work? Complete Canva Review: https://youtu.be/xW1zgQjPzrw
â—‹ How To Create YouTube Video Transitions With Canva: https://youtu.be/CuPfcGEsj10
READ THE POST: https://www.yestotech.com/post/systemeio-review-systemeio-tutorial-how-to-use-systemeio-to-grow-your-online-business
â—‹ Graphic design tool (Canva Pro): https://canva.pxf.io/jA4Q5
â—‹ DIY website builder (Wix): http://bit.ly/wixforfree
â—‹ Landing page builder (Leadpages): https://try.leadpages.com/yestotech
â—‹ Email provider (ConvertKit): https://convertkit.com/?lmref=7SUoRg
â—‹ Surveys & experience management (SurveySparrow): https://surveysparrow.grsm.io/yestotech
â—‹ Quiz, poll & giveaway maker (Interact): https://www.tryinteract.com/#oid=59709_4020
â—‹ Web hosting (Hostinger): https://www.hostinger.com/yestotech
â—‹ Paid products platform (Teachable): https://teachable.sjv.io/c/1134751/933427/12646
â—‹ Pinterest pin scheduler (Tailwind): https://www.tailwindapp.com/i/yestotech
â—‹ Visual content creator (Visme): https://partner.visme.co/?ref=MarinaLotaif
â—‹ Social media management (Viraltag): https://viraltag.grsm.io/MarinaLotaif914
â—‹ Canva Crash Course: https://bit.ly/yttcanvacrashcourse
â—‹ Fill In The Blanks Website: https://bit.ly/fillintheblankswebsite
â—‹ Jumpstart Your Sales: https://bit.ly/yttjumpstartyoursales
â—‹ Brilliant Branding: https://bit.ly/brilliantbrandingcourse
â—‹ Wonder Website: https://bit.ly/wonderwebsitecourse
â—‹ Traffic Takeoff: https://bit.ly/traffictakeoffcourse
â—‹ Webinar Sales Funnel Template: https://bit.ly/webinarsalesfunneltemplate
â—‹ Online Business Templates Vault: https://bit.ly/onlinebiztemplates
â—‹ ConvertKit Tech Training Tutorials: https://bit.ly/convertkittechtraining
â—‹ Power Productivity: https://bit.ly/powerproductivitycourse
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I'm Marina, the brain behind Yes To Tech. Think of me as your fairy godmother of tech, so that you can grow your online business fast without stress or overwhelm. It's my mission to help you navigate the tech side of online business with ease - even if you're not tech savvy! New videos go live every Tuesday and Thursday :)
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